Summer Safety - Bike To School

Join us for the first annual ‘Bike to School’ and ‘Summer Safety’ day on Thursday, May 25th.

We will begin the morning by meeting in the parking lot of the Victor Steak House at 7:30 AM. All Students, staff, and families are welcome to join us. 

  • Please feel free to join your child for the 1-mile bike route to school. 

  • You can park in the Steak House parking lot or join us at one of the pickup locations at the Hamilton House or the corner of Cheif Victor and Main. We will have law enforcement and fire helping students cross 93 at the stop light. 

  • If you have K-5 students please notify your classroom teacher that you will be riding. You must have a helmet.

    • If you have one, please wear it and you will get a special coupon. 

    • If you do not have one, please let us know and we will provide you with a new helmet. Please contact your teacher. 

    • We have Pizza and Ice Cream Coupons available for helmet use.

  • We will be having  Summer Safety and Bike Rodeo events in the afternoon from 2-4 pm. We have presenters coming in to discuss Fireworks Safety, Swift Water Safety, Helmet Decorating, and a water bottle - Hydration Station.

    • We will have a course for our mini Bike rodeo and fun biking activities.