Current Positions Open for 2024-25

Certified Positions

24-25 School Year

Full Time Counselor

Classified Positions

Food Service Substitute
Custodian Substitute
Teacher/Para Substitutes

Application Process

All POSITIONS use the process below: Sorry for the inconvenience, however at this time the online applications are not working. To fill out an application please stop in at the school office M-TH from 8 to 4:30 to pick one up.

Questions please call Aimie at the office 406-642-3221

Please complete the form below (The Chrome or Firefox Browser is suggested), you will receive a copy in your email of the completed application, and a copy will also be automatically sent to the district office. You can submit your related materials in the form or if you have trouble with this, please email them to

Victor School District - PERSONNEL 50105

Equal Employment Opportunity and Non-Discrimination

  • The District will provide equal employment opportunities to all persons, regardless of their race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, age, ancestry, marital status, military status, citizenship status, use of lawful products while not at work physical or mental disability, if otherwise able to perform essential functions of a other legally protected categories.

  • The District will make reasonable accommodation for an individual with a disability known to the District, if the individual is otherwise qualified for the position, unless the accommodation would impose undue hardship on the District.